1. Who can participate in Horizon 2020 calls?
Independent researchers, academic personnel, universities, research institutions, public institutions, industrial organisations can participate in H2020 calls. Please see for introductory information.
2. Where can I find Horizon 2020 calls and announcements?
You can find calls and announcements on this link:
3. Where can I find Horizon 2020, 2014-2015 work programmes?
You can find Horizon 2020, 2014-2015 work programmes on Participant Portal, clicking on the Reference Documents button. Please see the link:
4. What type of projects are funded in H2020?
• Research and development
• Support and coordination actions
• Grants for Innovation
• Co-Funding
• SME Instruments
5. Is there a criterion for the numbers of participating countries and partners in Horizon 2020 project proposals?
Please refer to the relevant call’s criteria about minimum participating country/partner numbers. You can check Horizon 2020 Work Programme General Annexes Standart Eligibility Criteria for the specific call you are planning to participate in:
6. Which countries can participate in Horizon 2020?
Please see the official documents:
7. What is the maximum EU contribution provided in Horizon 2020 financially?
For all non-profit organisations, all types of projects are funded for 100% of their direct costs and an additional amount which equals to the 25% of total sum of direct costs for their indirect costs. For other organisations, EU funds 70% of all direct costs, plus 25% of direct costs for indirect costs. Please find detailed information in Horizon 2020 Work Programme General Annexes under the “Types of action: specific provisions and funding rates” title. Please see the link:
8. Which costs are direct costs?
Direct costs are the costs which are directly required for the management and implementation of the project, such as equipment, personnel, travel, subcontracting.
9. Which costs are indirect costs?
Indirect (overhead) costs are costs which cannot be evidently linked to the management and implementation of the project, but rather supplementary costs such as rent, heating, electricity, equipment maintenance and postage.
10. If I answer one of the Ethics Issues Table questions as “yes” do I have to upload an Ethics Committee Approval document as well?
If you can not yet provide an Ethics Committee Approval Document, you can fiil the “Ethic Self Assessment” form and upload it under the “Other Annexes” title. Please check the link below for further information on how to fill this form.